[00:09.41]さみしい曖昧な期待で「いつかは何かが起きる…」と [00:14.93]満たされないこの想い嘆き悲しんでいた日々 [00:19.85]When I 時に事がうまく運べたとき壊したくてそれを全部 [00:24.93]その繰り返しの毎日は心なしか…It's a sad day [00:40.39]錆びた屋根の上の夕日がボクを円く包み込んだんだ [00:45.46]It's just a little routine [00:46.82]I do to make me feel like my friend and fam are with me [00:50.66]押し寄せるこの想いが描く未来変えていく... [01:00.73]I wanna thank you and tell you that I miss you [01:02.88]毎日歩いたこの道grateful [01:05.76]ボクを導く出会いが優しく背中押すよ [01:10.78]I wanna thank you and tell you that I miss you [01:13.02]いままで感じた全てがgrateful [01:15.79]いまボクがここにいるのはFrom time after time I'd like to thank you [01:30.34]いつでも見失いそうな時それを教えてくれたのは [01:35.53]そうさ年と共に増えていく数えきれない大切な... [01:40.71]その一人一人の声が聞こえてくるのさ [01:45.27]Livin' it up, breakin' it up, working it up, I need to go now. [01:49.13]Yeah! I need to go now. [02:01.23]I'm happy I'm makin' it breakin' it looking it up on the internet, [02:03.46]taking the time to evaluate, [02:04.55]hoping that everything goes to plan, that's the plan! [02:06.24]hoping I can, rockin' the island called Japan, you're the man! [02:08.82]I've been livin' in it so long, I wanna understand. [02:11.17]I love it so much I don't think that I could ever leave. [02:14.08]I've made it my own, and yeah it's home, so please stop asking me. [02:16.52]It's just a Iil something that I call the busy life, [02:19.06]but maybe everyday is not much of a busy life. [02:26.57]I wanna thank you and tell you that I miss you [02:28.79]毎日歩いたこの道grateful [02:31.57]ボクを導く出会いが優しく背中押すよ [02:36.67]I wanna thank you and tell you that I miss you [02:38.92]いままで感じた全てがgrateful [02:41.71]いまボクがここにいるのはFrom time after time I'd like to thank you [02:46.72]I wanna thank you and tell you that I miss you [02:48.96]毎日歩いたこの道grateful [02:51.75]ボクを導く出会いが優しく背中押すよ [02:56.84]I wanna thank you and tell you that I miss you [02:59.10]いままで感じた全てがgrateful [03:01.83]いまボクがここにいるのはFrom time after time I'd like to thank you