Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer 鲁道夫,这头长着红鼻子的驯鹿 Had a very shiny nose 有个闪闪发光的漂亮鼻子 And if you ever saw it 如果你曾有幸目睹, You would even say it glows 你甚至会说它在闪烁 All of the other reindeer 所有其他的驯鹿 They used to laugh and call him names 曾经嘲笑鲁道夫,只呼其名 They never let poor Rudolph 它们从不许鲁道夫 Join in any reindeer games 加入它们任何的游戏 Then one foggy Christmas eve 那是一个大雾弥漫的圣诞夜 Santa came to say: 圣诞老人降临了,他说: Babyface 可爱的孩子鲁道夫 "Rudolph with your nose so bright 你长着这么闪亮的鼻子 Won't you guide my sleigh tonight? "为什么今晚不来引导我的雪橇? Then all the reindeer loved him 从那以后所有的驯鹿都羡慕它 As they shouted out with glee 它们兴奋地呼喊 Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 红鼻子的鲁道夫 You'll go down in history 你会被载入史册 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph 嘿鲁道夫 Then one foggy Christmas eve 那是一个大雾弥漫的圣诞夜 Santa came to say 圣诞老人降临了,他说: "Rudolph with your nose so bright 你长着这么闪亮的鼻子 Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" "为什么今晚不来引导我的雪橇? Then how the reindeer loved him 从那以后所有的驯鹿都羡慕它 As they shouted out with glee 它们兴奋地呼喊 Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer 红鼻子的鲁道夫 You'll go down in history 你会被载入史册 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph 嘿鲁道夫 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph 嘿鲁道夫 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph, guide my sleigh 嘿鲁道夫,引导着我的雪橇 Hey Rudolph 嘿鲁道夫