译BY【莫须有】 progenies of the great apocalypse 天启之后裔 the battle raged on and on 争斗被炽烈的怒火一次次燃起 fuelled by the venom of hatred for man 对凡人的仇恨如同血中毒汁,充当着狂热的燃料 consistently, without the eyes to see 不用观察我便知晓 for those who revel in sewer equally 一向以来,他们陶醉在自己浊臭的生活中 we, the prosperity of the future seal 而我们,乃是繁荣未来的保证 cloaked by the thunders of the north wind 被云巅雷霆与北地之风所庇佑 born to capture the essence of 生来为了便为光复 the traits of our kind 我族血性的精髓 zero tolerance must be issued forth 对于前路中成行的敌人, behind the enemy's line 必须毫无怜悯 so it shall be written 这当订立成文 and so it shall be done 亦当言出必行 discover and conceive the secret wealth 去开掘那不为人知的宝藏 and pass it unto your breed 并将它传承给你的族类 become your own congregation 你当作为自己的信徒 measure the sovereignty of it's invigoration 用信仰之充沛来衡量自己的霸权 we, who not deny the animal of our nature 我们,从未否认过自身天然的狂野 we, who yearn to preserve our liberation 我们,乃为维持自由而欢颂 we, who face darkness in our hearts with a solemn fire 我们,擎着庄严之火直视内心的阴暗 we, who aspire the truth and pursue it's strength 我们,热烈的期盼着真理,并追随于它的力量 are we not the undisputed prodigy of warfare? 我们难道不是操纵战乱无可辩驳的天才? fearing all the mediocrity that they possess? 怎会惧怕于这些庸庸碌碌的凡人? should we not hunt the bastards down with our might 我们的意志将会追猎他们,直至将这些次品赶尽杀绝 reinforce and claim the throne that is rightfully ours 这名正言顺属于我们的王座与王权,将被巩固和强调 consider the god we could be without the grace 想想上帝,我们无需企盼他的垂怜 once and for all 此次与永久都不需要 diminish the sub principle and leave it's toxic trace 削除那些繁文缛节的教条,摒弃那些毒害思想的描述 once and for all... 此次与永久都不需要