作曲 : Dear my friends 作词 : 李正阳 Never give up If you ask me why you play the punk rock 如果有人问为什么喜欢朋克音乐 we will tell you it can make you happy oh... 因为它使我们快乐 So we grow up but never old 使我们长大而不会变老 Do you wanna know why you always feel low 不要总是闷闷不乐 you keep looking back Things will never go well, no.., 不要沉浸在痛苦的过去中 this is life and this is real 这就是生命,这就是现实 I will never give up 我将永不放弃 hope you have faith in yourself 希望你也抱有希望 even more difficult things are nothing 有再多的困难 this is true & there is no doubt 我们都要勇敢面对 I will find my way back in sometime 我会用自己的方式 and then seize the chance to make a miracle 抓住机会创造奇迹 that is something we need to do 那才是我们应该做的 There are many things that we lost 我们失去了很多东西 cuz we can not all be perfect 因为我们并不完美 don't complain any more 不用过多抱怨 time will change, it’s alright 时间会弥补一切 someone tells me don't be so uppity even if you truly make it 如果你成功了也请记得保持清醒 everything will again-drive you out-of your mind... 不要迷失自我