作曲 : Dear my friends 作词 : 李正阳 Don't wait 别等待 you and me romance encounter in the past like a dream 你和我浪漫的邂逅在梦一般的过去 like all of the fiction's really happening to me 好像那些小说里的情节真实的发生在我身上一般 cuz i know you will be all right 我知道你一定会相安无事 memory can represent how-we use to be 因为美好的记忆会见证我们的过去 all i can say is goodbye... 所有我能对你说的却只有再见 i don't know when you saw me then you fell in love 我不知道当你第一次见到你就喜欢我 even the exx>pression on your face made me hate you 甚至你脸上的高傲让我感到厌恶 but i can't forget the last day when you leaned on me 但我仍然记得最后一天你倾身靠着我 you looked into my eyes and smile 看着我的眼睛,对我微笑 i don't wanna say 我不想说一句话 i don't wanna make you feel sad 我不想让你难过 every time you come to me i have to run away 所以每一次你靠近我我总是故意不去理睬 i don't wanna hurt you still 我不想伤害你 i don't wanna give up on you 更不想放弃你 all i can say is goodbye 但我能说的却只有再见 don't wait... don't wait for me... 不要等待...请不要等我...