My rottin finger tip was lost the sense of touch. My heart breaks and can not walk. I'm cripple. The food does only taste of the ash everyday. I want to delete all my memory. I was played with. My grudge don't clear. You killed me. However,  why can you live laughingly? You said 「 I love you」many times, but what was that? Do you know how about I suffer and writhed? I can believe nobody anymore. 手招く冷気 縋る羅列の空 甘美な夜に閉ざされた 熟れた 傷は 書き写された敗色と  今も 落ちてゆく部屋の中 迫り来るに壊刻に 嘲け嗤う現実 ほら 聞こえるか 断蔑の声が 信じていた絆は 手を離せば消えでゆく 溢れ出す血の涙 Do you remember what you said to me? My scar make endless grief. 棘の時雨 逆向きの瞳孔 馴れ合いだらけで 何も無い 濡れた 君と モザイクの花が散らばる死の塔 溜め息さえ突き抜けた 呻く脈は 切り刻まれた敗色と 忌まわしき明日を描く 艶やかな指先で 投げ交わした幻想 ほら 聞こえるか 胸裂く悲鳴が 生え変わる人格に踊らされて今気付く 信じることに意味など無い 有りふれた空に 迸る汚れ無き産声は 潰され I died by your selfish evildoing..