作曲 : 异叁贰 作词 : 异叁贰 对白出自2004年的美国电影《偷心》 I don't love you anymore. 我不再爱你了 Since when? 从什么时候起 Now. Just now. I don‘t want to lie. 现在 就是现在 我不想撒谎 Can't tell the truth, so it's over. 我又不能说出真相 所以 一切都结束了 It doesn't matter. I love you. None of it matters. 没有关系 我爱你 所有的一切都不重要 Too late. I don't love you anymore. Goodbye. 太晚了 我不再爱你了 再见 Here's the truth, so now you can hate me. 下面就是真相 现在你可以恨我了 ************************** ********** I enjoyed it. I came. ********* I prefer you. Now go. 我更喜欢你 现在走吧 I knew that. He told me. 我知道的 他告诉我了 You knew? 你知道? I needed to hear it from you. 我想从你的口中听到 Why? 为什么? Because he might have been lying. I had to hear it from you. 因为他可能在撒谎 我必须从你口中证实 I would never have told you, 我本来绝不会告诉你的 Because I know you would have never forgived me. 因为我知道你不会原谅我的 I would. I have. 我会的 我已经原谅你了 Why did he tell you? 他为什么告诉你? Because he's a bastard. 因为他是一个混蛋 How could he? 怎么会呢 Because he wanted this to happen. 因为他希望现在这样的事情发生 But why test me? 那你为什么考验我? Because I'm an idiot. 因为我是个白痴 Yes. I would have loved you... forever. Now, please go. 的确 我本来会爱你的...直到永远 现在 求你快走 Don't do this, Alice. Please, talk to me. 别这样 爱丽丝 和我说说话 *********************** ********* I'm sorry. You misunderstand! I didn't mean to. 不 我很抱歉 你误解我了 我并不想的 Yes you did. 你就是那么想的 I love you! 我爱你 Where? 在哪儿? What? 什么? Show me! Where is this love? 给我看 你的爱在哪儿? I... I can't see it, I can't touch it. 我 我看不见 我摸不着 我也感受不到 I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words, 我感受不到 我可以听 听到你说的一些话 But I can't do anything with your easy words. 但是我对你那些轻易许下的诺言 又能做些什么 Whatever you say is too late. 不管你说什么 都太晚了 Please, don't do this! 求你 别这样 Done. 我们结束了 Now, please go, or I'll call security. 现在请离开 否则我叫保安了 No, you're not in a strip club, there is no security. 现在可不是在什么夜总会 这儿没什么保安 ********************* 你为什么和他做? I wanted to. 因为我想 Why?! 为什么?! I desired him. 我心仪他 Why?! 为什么?! You weren't there! 你那时不在我身边 Why him?! 为什么是他 He asked me nicely. 他礼貌的请求我 You're a liar. 你撒谎 So? 那又怎样 Who are you? 你到底是谁 I'm no one! 我谁都不是 到底是什么改变了你 让你变得如此的绝情 记得我们曾经的时光 多么美好快乐的画面 怎么转眼一切都消散 记忆中的笑颜与话语 此刻想来可笑又可悲 衷心的感谢你的残忍 以及你那些虚伪情感 让我刻骨般的看透你 你是个骗子 虚伪的骗子 你的表演 我已看透 虚假的对话 伪善的关心 你的内心 就是谎言 此刻想来可笑又可悲 衷心的感谢你的残忍 以及你那些虚伪情感 让我刻骨般的看透你