(It is the middle of the next day. CHRIS is on the telephone.) CHRIS John, is that you, buddy? Listen to me Do I sound diff'rent? How else could I be? Last night I spent a whole lifetime in paradise. Hey, tell the CO I'm taking all of my leave We're gonna play house, oh John, it's like Christmas eve We have sworn we won't see the sun for forty-eight hours (JOHN at the Embassy, in the midst of chaos: files being packed or burned, typewriters crated, etc.) JOHN What are you saying? Are you out of your mind? All leaves are canceled, you could be left behind Saigon is falling apart, and you'd better be here Here is the news, since you've been on the moon Cities in the boondocks are dropping like flies Wives and civilians will be shipping out soon Crowds around the Embassy have tears in their eyes Thieu has resigned, the new regime may not hold People at the place think we'll send the marines We are sending nothing from what I've been told Buddy, are you there? Do you know what this means? Sure! Time to fall in love! CHRIS John, listen fast, you did not get this call You're the one who bought the girl for me after all "Once you're a friend, you're a friend through and through" When you are in trouble, then I'll cover for you JOHN Not this time, the town's too hot For one Kongai whore Ol' buddy, I will not get you killed CHRIS She is no whore, you saw her too She's really more, like... the April moon JOHN April fuckin' moon!! CHRIS She's been hurt, you see Both her parents died What else could she be? JOHN Sweet as that, and she's an orphan too! How can a guy fight that? You got one day, not two Then be back!