Candace: Psst. Mom. Linda: Candace, have you been near the wild parsnips again? Candace: Yes, but you got to see what Phineas and Ferb are doing. Linda: What is it now? Candace: Those boys are always up to something And it's bringing me to tears Cause just before you get home It always just magically disappears Those boys are evil But before you get home they somehow always clean up the mess Those boys are evil Let me spell it out for you mom E-V-I-L B-O-Y-S! They built a roller coaster And a beach in the backyard Drove cattle through the city And messed up the boulevard They took me back in time When we went to that museum They built fifty foot tree-house robots But still you didn't see 'em Those boys are evil Their crazy shenanigans cause me all kinds of distress Those boys are evil Sing it with me E-V-I-L B-O-Y-S! I know you think they're saints But Mom, I'm here to tell Those B-O-Y-S, they're just E-V-I-L Those boys are evil They're making me feel like my head's in a hydraulic press And that don't feel too good! Those boys are evil Everybody! E-V-I-L B-O-Y-S! That's what I'm talking about E-V-I-L B-O-Y-S! That's right those boys are Evil little boys!