母なるモノの名は「ニュクス」 目覚めれば 星は純粋なる死に満たされて 全ての命は 消え失せる (I will burn my dread) バカな あの月が 月そのものがニュクスだったのか 間もなく落ちてきます この場所へ 間もなく落ちてきます この場所へ There's no man's land no man ever survived Invisible hands're behinds you just now If you ever win that race against rage then You'll be the King coz it's no man's land,for real The Mask in heavy rain ultimately slain Make shadows slave what they done is in vein Carrying AK-47(forty-seven) 24 7(twenty-four seven)but You've got eleven persecuted by heaven Comes from the direction no indication You've got to to let it move first Let it out,let it down,let it inside let loose Letting letting damn depressed let's get up Then which gotte do is to drop the hammer down Drop rhyme drop hammer digging like a labor You've got blood all over ash all over Spit it out the son game's over (Burn my dread) Tear up your fear the end is coming near Spit it out like a spear I'll burn your dread (Burn my dread) No soul robust all dust we bust Justice to the man with no life (Burn my dread) Tear up your fear the end is coming near Spit it out like a spear I'll burn your dread (Burn my dread) No soul robust all dust we bust Justice to the man with no life 月から 何か来ます 何だこれ 潰される 諦めない 絶対 なぜ いまさら立ち上がってどうなる? もうよせよ だからって 諦められっかよ! 決めてきたんだから 命かけるって! 天田… くっそー! ここまで来て…終われるものか! There's no man's land no man ever survived Invisible hands're behinds you just now If you ever win that race against rage then You'll be the King coz it's no man's land,for real The Mask in heavy rain ultimately slain Make shadows slave what they done is in vein Carrying AK-47(forty-seven) 24 7(twenty-four seven)but You've got eleven persecuted by heaven Comes from the direction no indication You've got to to let it move first Let it out,let it down,let it inside let loose Letting letting damn depressed let's get up Then which gotte do is to drop the hammer down Drop rhyme drop hammer digging like a labor You've got blood all over ash all over Spit it out the son game's over なんで…あなた…動けるの? Tear up your fear the end is coming near Spit it out like a spear I'll burn your dread お前 一人で行こうってのか 行かないで! No soul robust all dust we bust Justice to the man with no life くっそ なんでだ なんで俺たちは立てねぇ! Tear up your fear the end is coming near Spit it out like a spear I'll burn your dread 待ってって言ってんでしょう バカ―― No soul robust all dust we bust Justice to the man with no life (I will burn my dread) このまま僕たち 何も出来ないなんて… 諦めるな! どんな時でもアイツと俺たちは一つだ! どうか 彼に力を! この命と引き換えていい! 私も 今ならそんなの全然惜しくないよ! There's no man's land no man ever survived Invisible hands're behinds you just now If you ever win that race against rage then You'll be the King coz it's no man's land,for real The Mask in heavy rain ultimately slain Make shadows slave what they done is in vein Carrying AK-47(forty-seven) 24 7(twenty-four seven)but You've got eleven persecuted by heaven Comes from the direction no indication You've got to to let it move first Let it out,let it down,let it inside let loose Letting letting damn depressed let's get up Then which gotte do is to drop the hammer down Drop rhyme drop hammer digging like a labor You've got blood all over ash all over Spit it out the son game's over すごい 世界を滅ぼす力と…たった一人で Tear up your fear the end is coming near Spit it out like a spear I'll burn your dread 一人なんかじゃねえ! 俺が絶対死なせねえ! No soul robust all dust we bust Justice to the man with no life あなたを生んだこの世界が滅びるだって 絶対ダメ! Tear up your fear the end is coming near Spit it out like a spear I'll burn your dread さて やるか…な? No soul robust all dust we bust Justice to the man with no life (I will burn my dread) あれは 帰ってきた よかった おせんだよ 引っ張りすぎだよお前 遅刻とか 本当… もう会えないのかと思って ちょっとだけ怖かったじゃないですか まったく こんなことで泣くヤツがあるか 真田さんだって… これでやっと 揃ったな あれ わたし どうしよう 止まらない… おっ おかしいですね