I keep on fighting against God in such a dirty,cruel place. My left arm has been blown off,and my wings have been teared off. I keep on fighting against God in such a dirty,cruel place. My right arm is full of scars,and I've devoted everything. ナゼワタシハココニイルノ? この暗く淀んだ世界で 理不尽な傷の痛みが 私を常に苛さいなみ続ける 失うことを刻み続けて 麻痺していくこの感情に 捧げたものを数え続けて 繰り返すその問いを I keep on fighting against God in such a dirty,cruel place. My left arm has been blown off,and my wings have been teared off. I keep on fighting against God in such a dirty,cruel place. My right arm is full of scars,and I've devoted everything. ナゼワタシガタタカッテルノ? この脆く軋んだ世界で 不愉快な傷の疼きが 私を常に苛み続ける 捨て去ることを認めつづけて 壊死していくこの想いに 壊したものを数え続けて 繰り返すその問いを I keep on fighting against God in such a dirty,cruel place. My left arm has been blown off,and my wings have been teared off. I keep on fighting against God in such a dirty,cruel place. My right arm is full of scars,and I've devoted everything.