好不好 我想知道 离开我以后 是否很幸福 忘不了 又得不到 这痛苦 又太清楚 Where are U now? 现在过得好不好 I'll be home 等待你的回答 Don't say Good-bye 等你回来 突然的离开 叫我如何能释怀 我会更勇敢 只要你回来 Where are U now? 现在过得好不好 I'll be home 等待你的回答 Where are U now? 别再假装记不了 我的好 被你统统都遗忘掉 Where are U now? 现在的你好不好 不重要 你已不再爱我 Where are U now? 别再装作你忘啦 我的好 早就被你都遗忘掉 Where are u ? U took it away from me I will hold on for ever more 别擦去 这最美好的过去 我们相爱过的记忆 Where are u ? U took it away from me I will hold on for ever more