[00:00.000] 作曲 : Avicii/Martin Garrix [00:00.061] 作词 : Avicii/Martin Garrix [00:00.185]Where there's a will, there's a way, kinda beautiful [00:00.185]有志者事竟成,多么美好 [00:03.691]And every night has its day, so magical [00:03.691]黑夜过去就是黎明,这里充满神奇 [00:07.186]And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle [00:07.186]如果生活充满爱,世界将不再有阻碍 [00:11.438]That can't be defeated [00:11.438]爱可以战胜一切 [00:14.944]For every tyrant a tear for the vulnerable [00:14.944]每一个残暴的君主都能懂得怜悯 [00:18.692]In every lost soul the bones of a miracle [00:18.937]每一个失落的灵魂中都有创造奇迹的傲骨 [00:22.187]For every dreamer a dream we're unstoppable [00:22.686]每一个梦想家都有无法阻挡的梦想 [00:25.938]With something to believe in [00:26.437]有真诚的信仰 [00:30.443]Monday left me broken [00:30.443]星期一我被无情地击败 [00:33.193]Tuesday I was through with hoping [00:33.450]星期二我就在希望中复活 [00:36.945]Wednesday my empty arms were open [00:36.945]星期三我张开空空如也的双臂 [00:40.694]Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love [00:40.694]星期四等待爱,等待爱的到来 [00:45.186]Bang the stars it's Friday [00:45.697]星期五星辰为我颤动 [00:48.192]I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday [00:48.438]星期六我像疯狂燃烧的野火 [00:51.944]0uess I won't be coming to church on Sunday [00:52.187]星期日我将不会去教堂 [00:55.440]I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love [00:55.939]我会等待爱的到来,等待爱 [01:29.944]We are one of a kind irreplaceable [01:30.443]我们是不可替代的 [01:33.938]How did I get so blind and so cynical [01:33.938]我究竟为何如此盲目如此愤世嫉俗 [01:37.445]If there's love in this life we're unstoppable [01:37.687]假若此生有爱我们便所向披靡 [01:40.939]No we can't be defeated [01:41.444]没有什么能战胜我们 [01:45.445]Monday left me broken [01:45.445]星期一我被无情地击败 [01:48.194]Tuesday I was through with hoping [01:48.194]星期二我就在希望中复活 [01:51.946]Wednesday my empty arms were open [01:51.946]星期三我张开空空如也的双臂 [01:55.440]Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love [01:55.939]星期四等待爱,等待爱的到来 [02:00.444]Bang the stars it's Friday [02:00.686]星期五星辰为我颤动 [02:03.194]I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday [02:03.439]星期六我像疯狂燃烧的野火 [02:06.689]Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday [02:07.187]星期日我将不会去教堂 [02:10.694]I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love [02:10.694]我会等待爱的到来,等待爱 [02:15.189]To come around [02:15.189]让我苏醒