作曲 : 季步清 作词 : X!GO/蒙古别 「Hook」 Say I have the A.GA Only phuck with the A.GA Gotcha in the Changsha Gotcha only A.GA Бид дууны үгийг алдсандаа харамсаж байна (我们非常抱歉,歌词丢失) Бид дууны үгийг алдсандаа харамсаж байна (我们非常抱歉,歌词丢失) Бид дууны үгийг алдсандаа харамсаж байна (我们非常抱歉,歌词丢失) Бид дууны үгийг алдсандаа харамсаж байна (我们非常抱歉,歌词丢失) 「Verse 2: East」 那个妹子羞羞脸 我穿着钩钩鞋 嘿咻 !嘿咻 !叫我东东别 你就已经安享晚年,脑壳不进油烟 哎呀!哎呀 !通通都终结 这个夜晚星城亮晶晶 这时我们真的太清醒 会不会有活动呢?嗯 其实我想眼睛看不清 说完这句马上换逻辑 每天都比昨天顶得起 当你在质疑我的时候也象征性质疑你父亲 血浆Coco 有样 !blling blling 你肯定买不到…… 我的上眼皮有点肌无力 先天性感觉燥…… 用后脑勺面对你的眉宇 X!GO负责治疗你的焦虑 S U P. S U P 其实嘞我们都冒用劲 「Verse 3: Ranzer」 No need for hustlin’ gotcha Me and my brothers livin' in Gaoqiao Run one step before u make that touch down I gotta say gocha in chum sha Figure out what I've been doing aint bout filling my pocket well so Get in any situation that won't let u leave with the chips hell no Flow growns in the air and water. Go work when the time goes Step inside the game the thing I hate gotta be playing my role 找乐子 might be part of my job 少克制 tellin we aint’ phuckin with ya’ll Mobbin' with crew, spittin’ with Kooosh 找这次谁再重复说hard knock I gotta say gaoqiao in changsha again I dont phuck with that gold chain Gasoline, u know what would be that stink? Huh Air mag aint’ really fits everybody Straight up Jäger no remy martin Get some good ones as my toppings crowd moves and the time's coming