作曲 : 无 作词 : 王宇尔 She tell me not to be afraid tho (她告诉我没什么事) Cause my mind got strong power turn myself to God tho (因为我足够强大) She type a text to her EXB (她给前男友编辑了短信) She said I'm alone come and find me (让他来找她) Get some liquor with ur bentley (开上宾利拿点酒) She send that text in front of me (她竟然在我面前发了出去) Now she ask me leave (现在她让我离开) Better kiss on my knees (让我落荒而逃) I don't wanna see him fight you (我不想看他和你发生争执) Cause my first name used to be peace (因为我热爱和平) Now she ask me leave (她让我离开) As quick as I can be (尽快地离开) I don't wanna see him fight you (我不想看他和你发生争执) Cause my first name used to be peace (因为我热爱和平) He truly come up with Bentley (他真的开着宾利过来了) He truly call her little sweetie (他也叫她宝贝) So have a good time with your EXB (你们开心就好) But Him forgot to hide that rent T (但他忘记了取下车上租赁的标签)