SHINE...... In the mines of the darkest star. The one no jewel can never shine. A rode is left to point to Styx, both its end can lead,both can deceive. No traps can seize, THE ELDEST COSMONAUT as time stands still,incapable to breathe. Once in clay I allowed the decades to become a stone wall around me but at least I became the wall of decades. Can you feel the wrinkles on my hand? They are yours. They are lines I once drew upon the sand... [CHORUS:] I HAVE A B OAT UNSEEN A LABYRINT HINE SPHER E THE GNOS IS OF THE ELDEST COS MONAUT. AN D MAYBE YO U WILL SEE THAT I AM WHAT YOUR MIND CAN N EVER.....S EAL. Travelling the luminiferous waters of space, through the Stellar Isthmus. It can lead it can decieve. No traps can seize me, No toombs can seal me. [CHORUS:] I HAVE A B OAT UNSEEN A LABYRINT HINE SPHER E THE GNOS IS OF THE ELDEST COS MONAUT. AN D MAYBE YO U WILL SEE THAT I AM WHAT YOUR MIND CAN N EVER.....S EAL.