Slashed And Dismembered Bloated And Discolored Dried Up And Shriveled Grinded And Severed Your Esophagus Swells And Rashes As Boils Begin To Explode Internally You Will Suffer As Your Arteries Begin To Corrode Organs Covered With Festering Tumors Scabs And Blisters Infest Wilted Limbs Your Rib Cage Is Smashed Puncturing Mucous Filled Lungs Callouses And Boils Inflaming The Skin The Vaginal Area Expels Septic Juices Larva Hatches From Within Your Genitals Are Covered With Festering Blisters Your Jugular Is Sore And Swollen Your Rectum Is Ripped And Bleeding Diarrhea And Blood Seeps From Torn Rectal Skin Sawing And Cutting Through Facial Tissue Viciously Consuming Bloody Vaginal Skin Your Skin Is Rubbed Raw, Your Bones I Break And Saw Split Your Jugular, Bruised And Discolored