When I cease to resist deliverance begins. A sting in my heart, face to face with the truth about myself I can't evade the encounter with the Spirit of Truth. When someone lifts my eyes and lets me see everything created with new eyes without a veil concealing my sight, struck with wonder, I fall into tears. Free from agony. Tears renewing, cleansing my soul. When I case to resist deliverance begins. A sting in my heart Face to face with the truth about myself I can't evade the encounter with the Spirit of Truth Tears of contrition What can I do but cry at the sight of my own sin? How I ravaged the beauty, neglected the gift of life. Without a veil concealing my sight. struck with wonder, I fall into tears. Free from agony. Tears renewing, cleansing my soul. An abysmal deliverance when I look through my soul. The suffering is overwhelming, yet full of grace. Tears not leaving misery behind, In that lies the beginning of a new day, A resurrection from death. Those tears are my love for You