作曲 : 白鸟Ariel 作词 : 白鸟Ariel It’s irreversible You’re now in your capsule 无法逆转了 你在你的太空舱里 It’s not surprised Solitude would take the place of you 不用奇怪 孤独会代替你的位置 I didn’t say it aloud Take me with you Take me with you 没有说出声的带我走吧 再也不会被听见了 Wear you in a necklace Hide you in my pocket 戴在脖子上项链里的你 藏在口袋里的你 Like a gingerbread man What you’ll never know 像一个姜饼小人 这是你永远不会知道的 In the shattered night Under the shivering stars 在破碎的夜晚 颤抖着的星星之下 Except you’ll turn your head 想象你会 回过头 Only the lamppost would remember How I rushed all the way from here 但是只有路灯记得 我是怎样狂奔到这里的 How I’m back like a ghost with tears In the middle of the night 我是怎样像个幽灵一样哭着在夜半回去的 Under a trillion stars What a romantic vibe 那时的夜空中有着亿万颗星星 那是多么浪漫的气氛啊 If there’s no goodbye 如果没有再见的话 I watched you leave and smiled 我看着你走远了 I forgot to say that I probably can’t wait 忘了说我可能不会再等了 Maybe one day you’ll back Maybe you’ll come for me 也许某天你会回来 也许你会为我而来 Maybe you’ll find the streets empty 也许你发现街道已经空无一人 Somehow I was gone Cause your time is borrowed 我也已经不在了 因为你的时间从来都不属于我 You could talk to the daisies surround my grave 如果你和我坟墓周围的雏菊说话 It would tell you how the lamppost fade off 它会告诉你那盏路灯熄灭在哪个夜晚 And you could count all the queer places that you’ve been gone 你可以告诉它你所去过的每一个奇妙的地方 Cuz you’re a space cowboy space cowboy 你是属于太空的 So special you’re so ******g special 你是多么特别啊 Even so many years ago 即使是那么多年前 You’re so special so ******g special 你还是那么特别 Even so many years ago 即使是那么多年前 Wear you in a necklace Hide you in my pocket 戴在脖子上项链里的你 藏在口袋里的你 Like a gingerbread man What you’ll never know 像一个姜饼小人 这是你永远不会知道的 In the shattered night Under the shivering stars 在破碎的夜里 颤抖着的星星下 Except you’ll turn your head 期盼着 你会回过头 But you weren’t looking back at me 但是你不在看着我 I know 我知道的