[00:11.85]Eitt sinn ég fann tessa ógnartrá(Once I felt this strong desire) [00:17.30]ae vera eitt og skilja vie annae.(To be one thing and leave another.) [00:23.63]Hugurinn tók mig og ég fór ae sjá(My mind took me and I started seeing) [00:28.68]allt sem ég vildi og tráei var bannae.(All that I longed for and wanted was forbidden.) [02:15.05][00:35.86]Tví tíminn stríeir á móti mér(Because time is working against me) [02:20.91][00:41.91]og engu fæ ég um neitt ae ráea.(And I don't get to decide anything.) [02:26.47][00:47.17]Eitt sár er gróie og annae er(One wound is healed and another is) [02:32.28][00:53.12]ae vaxa og dafna tar inn í mér.(Growing and thriving inside of me.) [00:59.94]Svo langt er lieie af lífinu(So long it has been of my life) [01:05.79]ae ekki er nema von ae mér hraki.(You can only hope I'm worse.) [01:11.79]ég reyni ae gleyma, tae sorglega er(I try to forget, but the sad thing is) [01:17.26]ae enn kann ég ei ae sleppa taki.(I still don't know how to let go.) [01:24.79]En hjartae ræeur og hjartae fer(But the heart decides and the heart will go) [01:31.05]ávallt sínar eigin leieir.(Always its own ways.) [01:36.34]Og hvae sem vereur og hvae sem ber(And whatever happens, whatever goes) [01:42.51]vonin vakir og lifir í mér.(Hope is awake and alive within me.)