作曲 : P.D 作词 : CC Forget false face Forget the dream I have awakened from the darkness Forget the lies Forget the past Let themdisappear with the darkness 忘记那梦中虚伪的面孔 我已从黑暗中苏醒 忘记那些过去的谎言 就让它们也随着黑暗消逝 When the sunrise I close my eyes I just want timeto stay in this moment When yellow leaves fall And all must die As long as you stay with me 当第一缕阳光出现时 我闭上双眼 我只想要时间停留在这一瞬 当输液凋零万物消逝 我只想要你陪在我的身边 If I could catch a rainbo I just do it for you And share with it`s beauty On the days you`re feeling blue 如果我能留住彩虹 我将只为你一人挽留 在你感到忧伤的日子 与你分享它的美丽 If I could take your troubles I`ll throw them into the sea And share with all my happiness On the days you`re feeling blue 如果我能带走你的烦恼 我将把它们扔进大海 在你感到忧伤的日子里 我将与你分享我所有的快乐