Sell the kids for food 为了食物卖掉孩子 Weather changes moods 无论心情如何改变 Spring is here again 春天又来了 Reproductive glands 繁荣的大地 He’s the one who likes all the pretty songs 他喜欢所有的好歌 And he likes to sing along 他愿意跟着哼唱 And he likes to shoot his gun 他喜欢乱放枪 But he knows not what it means 但却不知道这一切何谓 Knows not what it means 不知道这意味着什么 And i say 我说 He’s the one who likes all the pretty songs 他喜欢所有的好歌 And he likes to sing along 他愿意跟着哼唱 and he likes to shoot his gun 他喜欢乱放枪 but he knows not what it means 但却不知道这一切何谓 knows not what it means 不知道这意味着什么 And i say aahh 我说,啊! We can have some more 我们可以有其它一些 Nature is a whore 大自然是一个娼妇 Bruises on the fruit 划伤果子 Tender age in bloom 幼小到繁荣 He’s the one who likes all the pretty songs 他喜欢所有的好歌 And he likes to sing along 他愿意跟着哼唱 And he likes to shoot his gun 他喜欢乱放枪 But he knows not what it means 但却不知道这一切何谓 Knows not what it means 不知道这意味着什么 and i say 我说 He’s the one who likes all the pretty songs 他喜欢所有的好歌 And he likes to sing along 他愿意跟着哼唱 And he likes to shoot his gun 他喜欢乱放枪 But he knows not what it means 但却不知道这一切何谓 knows not what it means 不知道这意味着什么 and i say aahh 我说,啊!