作曲 : Shane Feng 作词 : Shane Feng Shane boy is going crazy 制作人Shane She 她 She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 But now she's gone away 但她已离我而去 She 她 She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 I met this girl about 4 years ago 我遇见她大约是在四年前 Ever since feelin like my heart being stolen 从那时起我的心就不再属于自己 She's the one drama, going on and on 她是一出跌宕起伏的戏剧 不断上演 In my head, in my mind 在我的脑海里 Whenever when I'm up or feelin down low 无论在我兴奋或是低落的时候 She, kinda turned my gurads off 她仿似可以让我卸下所有防备 Like no one else have ever done it to me 从来没有人让我这样感觉 So I dropped off 所以我陷入沉醉 To another dream drowning with the raindrops 跌入另一个浸没于雨水中的梦境 Everywhere I looked I see her down at the same spot 无论我看向何处她都是她的身影 Uh, she's all I care 她是我所关心的一切 Ain't no second thought instead 再没有别的念想 In all my prayers we'll be holding hands 在我所有的祈祷中我们都手牵着手 Start picking out rooftop chandelier 一起挑选屋顶的吊灯 Yeah, it's just premiere 这只是一个开始 That I'm burning up in her atmosphere 我在她的温柔围绕中燃烧 Got me so in love to the fullest 让我深陷爱情之中 Like the bullets, well the truth is 事实上 就像一颗子弹 That she came right through my heart 她穿透了我的心 But I just can't stop this, one flame 但是我就是无法停息这团火焰 Playboys go tame 贪玩的心也从此收敛 God damn, so intoxicated 她是如此的令人陶醉 Things I can't explain, like 连我都无法用言语阐释 With fresh intimidating summer-like vibrant-like sweet osmanthus flavors 像那夏日亲密般充满活力的桂花香味 That's the kind of perfume she wears 是她身上淡淡的香水 Got a lifetime, my agenda's finna filling with a 100% plans about her 还有一生的时间 我的所有日程将会100%为她而设定 Imma Swear 我承诺 She 她 She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 But now she's gone away 但她已离我而去 She 她 She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 Man, I really used to have her 我曾经拥有过她 But I pushed her away to protect her or so I thought 但我以为是在保护她而将她推开 But I was so wrong, it was stupid 我错的太彻底 真是愚蠢至极 It's not about love man, it's just selfish 这无关乎爱情 只是自私自利 Thinking bout then, god, when we were still fined 还记得当初我们还很要好 We went that awful fish dish for our lunchtime 我们去吃了一次难吃的鱼锅 She's worried bout that fillet is gonna ruin our plans 她在担心这份菜会破坏了我们的计划 Didn't know all I see is nothing but the girl 却不知道我所在乎的一切 that's been sitting front of me for the whole time 就是坐在我对面的这个女孩 Will she be mine, little compulsive kind? 她会跟我在一起吗?这个有些强迫症的女孩 So our very first date, takin care of everything 所以我们第一次约会 我安排好了一切 If she still remember she will take a rewind 如果她还记得的话她也会回忆起来吧 With a little bit of white wine, flows in her prime 配上一点白葡萄酒 流过她最美好的年华 Blush on her face, head goes light, eyesight goes blind 她的脸颊泛红 头开始轻飘 视线逐渐朦胧 I'll play the strings she'll do the rhymes 我拨动琴弦作响 她哼唱宛转悠扬 Side by side we can sing all night 肩靠着肩我们可以整夜吟唱 Once I told her that I've been to somewhere 有趣的是有一次我告诉她 Dancing salsa all along the disco lounge 我去舞池中跳Salsa舞 We hadn't been together but I can see her jealous 我们那时还没在一起但我感到她的些许不服气 Cause she searching videos everynight she practices 因为她在搜索舞蹈视频并每晚练习 She's making progress she's already perfect 她进步飞快但她早已是完美的 She's lil' kinda like that princess from fairy 就像童话中走出的公主一般 Every move she makes it's gon drive me crazy 她的一举一动都让我意乱神迷 You gon call me funny but believe this magic, y'all 这听上去很可笑吧?但请相信这魔力 She still got those bright eyes 她的眼睛依旧如水般清澈 She still smile like sunshine 她的笑容依旧如沐浴阳光 She still losing sleeps in late night 她有时仍会失眠辗转反侧 But she just won't take up my time anymore 但只是她不会再来打扰我的时间了 She just won't cry to me anymore 只是她不会再对我倾诉哭泣了 She just won't prank me anymore 只是她不会再对我调皮嬉戏了 She might won't even lie to me anymore girl 她甚至不会再对我撒谎隐瞒了 She 她 She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 But now she's gone away 但她已离我而去 She 她 She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 But now she's gone away 但她已离我而去 She (I met this girl about four years ago) 她(我遇见她大约是在四年前) (Ever since feeling like my heart being stolen) (从那时起我的心就不再属于自己) She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩 But now she's gone away 但她已离我而去 She (She's the one drama going on and on, in my head in my mind) (她是一出跌宕起伏的戏剧 不断上演在我的脑海里) (whenever when I'm up or feeling down low) (无论在我兴奋或是低落的时候) She was my girl 她曾是我的女孩