Chef. Beautiful Aya We need know the woods Give birth to they trying this trace Me? Still king of the village And suffering forget the adventure, the next day Yes, Pleasant But suffering does not slow Aliayrays, this song, my song in the woods She knows that one day will come Was fed adventures My cab, was all witches Sermons, Beautiful and most terrible They seen one day the woods show The Konwer He propose a valve case: नक६उअनो ६उ९ लो७ कगदअलअ५न कज६५लअ५७९ ४त लो७अः ६न लो७त न७ललद७९ ६अःगउब लो७ कम७४दग अउ९अ६उन... From this village I feel the pain in my back In a second,I was maneuver... Mandarin of each extends of my ornery song Involve eternity servery... Comes the village, I felt the pain In my back In a second, I was Maden-Raven Morning of ancestor to my homely song Involve for eternity Suffering... Of woods for eternity Suffering Eternity suffering...