Once upon a time I was a little girl I dressed in pink and wore my hair in curls I was an angel and I never sinned But then the strangest thing happened I met him at the graveyard after school He dressed in black and he was so cool He played guitar in a gothic band Then he grinned and he took my hand He turned me out He turned me on He blew my mind Then he was gone Then he was gone He knew magic and he taught me spells He brought me skeletons for show-and-tell He got me my own coffin then we kissed He was so frightening I could not resist He turned me out He turned me on He blew my mind Then he was gone He bit my neck and then he drank my blood It was the sweetest thing he'd ever done I'll live forever and I'll always be Only his for eternity He turned me out He turned me on He'll be all mine Until dawn.