The Fall Of Constantinople   君士坦丁堡的沦陷      The city is lost now , there's no time for sleeping   城池已经失守,再无余时睡眠   We're dying; we're falling; our women are weeping   我们垂死,我们陷落,我们的女人在哭泣   The souls of our children, like bricks and like mortar   孩子们的灵魂,像砖瓦般被践踏   So helpless and broken, like lambs to the slaughter   无助与沮丧,像羊羔般被屠杀      Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人君临城下!   At the gates! At the gates!   在城下!在城下!      The wardrums are pounding a rhythm divine   战鼓敲着神圣的旋律   Our soldiers are marching for one final time   我们的士兵最后一次行进   The rabble approaches, now sensing our fear   暴徒们接近并感受到我们的绝望   Barbarian conquest, of all we hold dear   将我们所有的爱残暴掠走      Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人君临城下!   At the gates! At the gates!   在城下!在城下!      By Mehmed and Ishak our city is torn   默罕默德与伊萨卡摧毁了我们的城池   Their ships anchored fast off the coast of the Horn   船支在岸边快速抛锚   Our warriors lie helpless, now covered in flies   勇士们尸体覆满苍蝇,无助的躺在   Neath ragged aggressors with greed in their eyes   眼中充满贪婪的粗劣侵略者之下    Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人君临城下!   At the gates! At the gates!   在城下!在城下!      We can't match the strength of the Janissaries   我们力量无法与土耳其士兵匹敌   Anatolian justice, we're brought to our knees   安纳托利亚人的正义,我们将之置于膝下   Byzantine heroes, struck dumb with awe   东罗马帝国的英雄,畏怯的哑口无言   And labouring under the Saracen claw   劳苦于阿拉伯人的爪牙之下      Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人兵临城下!   Enemy! Enemy at the gates!   敌人!敌人君临城下!   At the gates! At the gates!   在城下!在城下!