Came a sound, from the stillness as the morning woke Sweetly he sang, yet urgent I heard his song stronger as the dawn was breaking There through the mist on eastern hill So I climbed on I know I’ve heard that voice Born upon winds from Eden I will follow him till heart’s rest Till at last my journey’s ended Sing to me a star Set it in yonder sky Shining, and guiding me For I’ve lost my way before There in the mist on eastern hill For I would Climb to the sun and then beyond to Hear what you might sing Such was the power of your voice Oh, that I might hear more Now it fell upon a summer night Climbing up the fells in the lingering light Glimmering yet faint through the gathering mist Holding forth promises Brilliantly climbing the sky Find the singer, chasing starlight Racing moon beams, onward I climb He will show me the way When I draw close he’ll be waiting there Father of my soul in the morning fair Then I recall He has never been Far from my side Leading me, cheering me Feeding me, guiding me home Where I will see familiar faces And as children who once were lost Found, at last we are And free to run and gather ‘round A shining King, who laughing Welcomed us home at last For at last we are And dancing ‘round our Father Who wipes away all tears Welcomes us home at last Welcomes us home at last