Armed armies march towards the battle The warriors of Wotan, not knowing good grace, Pain nor mercy for enemies The enemies of Wotan are their enemies as well Small villages surrounded by forest stand a flamed Screaming and crying is all that is heard The oppressive smoke climbs to high peeks And it covers the bodies of the murdered In response to the barbaric attack They fought bravely, but they were defeated They couldn't defeat the Hatred That came from the Northern woods Much blood was split and many hearts were pierced The fire absorbed and obliterated the traces of the crimes And the wind scattered the ashes The warriors of Wotan left as fast as they came No one knows were they came for And to were they headed off to The only things that remained were the bodies of the dead And the burnings upon the ground Now nobody know if they fought another battle Or if they engulfed into a dark forest Nobody knows the paths that the Wolves of Wotan walk upon The Gods of war incline to them And Wotan himself gives them his strength No one dares to go after them Nobody dares to go against Wotan's will Spilled Christian blood will never be avenged