Inis Mona Welcome to the land of questions 欢迎来到疑惑之岛 Welcome to the isle of lore 欢迎来到知识之岛 Where the veil came crumbling down 轻轻揭下神秘的面纱 There it all began, 这是所有事物的源泉 The germination 是萌芽之土 Unveiling a cryptic door 打开那扇神秘的大门 There it was revealed 所有一切在这展示 Hopes and aspirations 希望和愿望 Unclosing an enthralled door 打开令人着迷的大门 Escalate the sense 让感官升级 Enhancing to join the dawn 黎明慢慢到来 I close my eyes, Inis Mona 我闭上眼睛 安格尔西岛 And reminisce of those palmy days 追忆那些曾经兴盛的日子 I moon o'er you, Inis Mona 月光渲染着你 安格尔西岛 As long as I breathe 只要我还呼吸 I'll call you my home 我就称你为我的家 20 years I have walked your barrows 20年来我走遍了你的坟冢 Years of emulous youth 在哪争强好胜的年月 I followed the path of the wise 我沿着智慧之路行进 There it all was sown 那里被冰雪覆盖 The inspiration 精神鼓舞着我 Removing the seven seals 撕下哪七道封条 There it was revealed 这儿隐藏着 Enigma of freedom 自由之谜 Unclosing an unseen door 打开她吧那从未见过的门 Escalate the sense 让感官升级 Enhancing to join the dawn 黎明慢慢到来 I close my eyes, Inis Mona 我闭上眼睛安格尔西岛 And reminisce of those palmy days 追忆那些曾经兴盛的日子 I moon o'er you, Inis Mona 月光渲染着你 安格尔西岛 As long as I breathe 只要我还呼吸 I'll call you my home 我就称你为我的家 Escalate the sense 让感官升级 Enhancing to join the dawn 黎明慢慢到来 I close my eyes, Inis Mona 我闭上眼睛 安格尔西岛 And reminisce of those palmy days 追忆那些曾经兴盛的日子 I moon o'er you, Inis Mona 月光渲染着你 安格尔西岛 As long as I breathe 只要我还呼吸 I'll call you my home 我就称你为我的家 Escalate the sense 让感官升级 Enhancing to join the dawn 黎明慢慢到来 I close my eyes, Inis Mona 我闭上眼睛 安格尔西岛 And reminisce of those palmy days 追忆那些曾经兴盛的日子 I moon o'er you, Inis Mona 月光渲染着你 安格尔西岛 As long as I breathe 只要我还呼吸 I'll call you my home 我就称你为我的家