Hand me the antidote, Construct a loophole for this drawback When will my nausea turn to hatred? When will my curse become sign? Will it release, will it resolve? A thousand times but never loose Just let me go, leave it alone Too strong to tie, too weak to choose Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Build up the place, where I belong, Then rip it down and go along The roads I wandered for so long, Persuing salvation Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Will it release, will it resolve? A thousand times but never loose Just let me go, leave it alone Too strong to tie, too weak to choose Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm Sculpture of sorrow, Bring me your filth, Raising the monuments of payback Inhaling my infinite realm