The way to earn money as a Pokémon Champion is to start beating up on some random kid's pets and stealing their cash. But what do the earnings of a Pokémon master truly look like? Pokémon Johto, let's go. Chase your Dreams, Just prepare to file for bankruptcy (For Bankruptcy) Even if you get to the end you lose money on your journey It's the single worst financial decision ever Getting shocked over and over doesn't make it better Pikachu Pokemon masters are broke They can'pay them bills Being a trainer's a joke They can't get that pokeskrill Pokemon masters are broke They can't pay them bills Being a trainer's a joke No sweet sweet pokeskrill We've all had that dream though,right? To spend a year out of your life In the world of pokemon To become a champion Armer with only a few pokeballs Travellin'the land to catch animals And make'em fight eternal blood sport to the death To the Death You see,vidio games tend to gloss over The rest of Life *2 What do the earnings of pokemon master Truly look like You might be able to speedrun your way To the top of the pokecharts The pokécharts If you were to make them pokebucks It's gonna be pokéhard Chase your Dreams, Just prepare to file for bankruptcy For bankrupcy Even if you get to the end you lose money on your journey It's the single worst financial decision ever Getting shocked over and over doesn't make it better Pikachu Pokemon masters are broke They can't pay them bills Being a trainer's a joke They can't get that poke skrill Pokemon master are broke They can't pay them bills Being a trainer's a joke No sweet sweet pokeskrill It'd be a great time Or so wo'd like to think You still have to eat,sleep Use the bathroom or most conventient tree If you become a pokemon champion How broke would you be Beatin'up on the elite four Give you 85 cans of soda from the vending machine Pokedollars Pokeskrill Pokebucks pay them bills pokebones pokecharts poke..whatever they are pokedollars pokeskrill pokebucks pay them bills pokebones pokecharts poke..whatever they are Chase your Dreams, Just prepare to file for bankruptcy For bankrupcy Even if you get to the end you lose money on your journey It's the single worst financial decision ever Getting shocked over and over doesn't make it better Pikachu Pokemon masters are broke they can't pay them bills Being a trainer's a joke they can't get that pokeskrll Pokemon masters are broke they can't pay them bills Being a trainer's a joke no sweet sweet pokeskrill But hey, that's just a theory... A Game Theory! And we didn't even talk about taxes. Don't even get me started on taxes!