Where I live slumber the fairies that I would like so much to awaken. Under water they glide in silence between the fingers of glaucous seaweeds... which shelter larvae and relics. 妖精们安眠于我所居之处 但我渴望着醒来 它们悄无声息地游曳于水底 穿梭于遮蔽着幼虫与残骸的灰绿色海藻之间 The moon expires mauve trails, sleeping lake, two-way mirror, in which I lose and erase myself. 月亮失去了淡紫色的的轨迹 沉睡之湖,(如同)双面镜 在那儿,我遗失了自己 Somewhere a dead child ’s maimed body gnawed to the bone by invisible jaws. Somewhere a headless woman emptied of her organs. Somewhere a newborn child half -human, half -dog, devoured by his likes. 某处,有具残缺的孩童尸体 被无形的颚骨噬咬到了骨头 某处,有个无头的女人 掏空自己的内脏 某处,有个半人半狗的新生儿, 被他的欲望所吞噬 Where I live slumber the fairies that I would like so much to awaken. The black stones of my dreams move in silence. 妖精们安眠于我所居之处 但我渴望着醒来 我的梦之黑石,悄无声息地移动着。