I was blown away 我已隨風而去 What could I say 還能說什麼呢? It all seemed to make sense 一切的存在似乎都有它的意義 You’re taking away everything 你把所有的一切都奪走了 And I can't do without 我無法釋懷 I try to see the good in life 我在尋找生存的意義 The good things in life are hard to find 但生存的意義總是難以尋找 We're blowing away, blowing away 我們都隨風而去,越來越遠 Can we make this something good ? 事情能任由我們改變嗎? Well I'll try to do to it right this time around 此刻無論如何都要糾正所有錯誤的一切 Let's start over 一切再重來吧 Try to do it right this time around 盡力糾正所有錯誤的一切 It's not over 一切都還沒結束 'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground 一部分的我已經死去並深埋在土裡 This love is killing me 這份愛正在吞噬著我 But you're the only one 但你才是我的唯一 It's not over 一切還沒結束 I've taken all I can take 我帶走了我所能拿的一切 And I can not wait 我不能再等待 We're wasting too much time 浪費的時間實在太多 Being strong , holding on 堅強點 堅持下去 Can't let it bring us down 不能就這樣被打倒 My life with you means everything 你在我生命中就是全部 So I won't give up that easily 故我絕不會輕言放棄 Blowing away , blowing away 隨風而去,越來越遠 Can we make this something good ? 事情能任由我們改變嗎? 'Cause it's all misunderstood? 或許這本來就是個錯誤? Well I'll try to do to it right this time around 此刻無論如何都要糾正所有錯誤的一切 Let's start over 一切再重來吧 Try to do it right this time around 盡力糾正所有錯誤的一切 It's not over 一切都還沒結束 'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground 一部分的我已經死去並深埋在土裡 This love is killing me 這份愛正在吞噬著我 But you're the only one 但你才是我的唯一 It's not over 一切還沒結束 You can't let this get away 你沒有權利放手 Let it out , let it out 釋放吧! 釋放他吧! Don't get caught up in yourself 別讓它纏住你 Letitout 釋放吧! Let's start over 一切再重來吧 Try to do it right this time around 盡力糾正所有錯誤的一切 It'snotover 一切還沒結束 'Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground 一部分的我已經死去並深埋在土裡 This love is killing me 這份愛正在吞噬著我 But you're the only one 但你才是我的唯一 It's not over 一切還沒結束 Let's start over 一切再重來吧 It's not over whoayeahah 一切還沒結束 This love is killing me 這份愛正在吞噬著我 But you're the only one 但你才是我的唯一 It's not over 一切還沒結束