Marius: A heart full of love A heart full of song I'm doing everything all wrong Oh God, for shame I do not even know your name Dear Mad'moiselle Won't you say? Will you tell? Cosette: A heart full of love No fear, no regret Marius: My name is Marius Pontmercy Cosette: And mine's Cosette Marius: Cosette, I don't know what to say Cosette: Then make no sound Marius: I am lost Cosette: I am found Marius: A heart full of light Marius&Cosette: A night bright as day Marius: And you must never go away Cosette, Cosette Cosette: This is a chain we'll never break Marius: Do I dream Cosette: I'm awake Marius: A heart full of love Éponine: He was never mine to lose Marius&Cosette: A heart full of you Éponine: Why regret what could not be Marius: A single look and then I knew Cosette: I knew it, too Éponine: These are words he'll never say Not to me Marius: From today Éponine: Not to me. Not for me. Cosette: Everyday Éponine: His heart full of love Cosette&Marius: For it isn't a dream Not a dream… Éponine: He will never… Feel this way Cosette&Marius: After all