作曲 : 吕恒 作词 : 吕恒 演奏:吕恒 钢琴曲纯音乐作品,请您欣赏。 On a quiet night 在一个宁静的夜晚 She came from my dream. 她从我的梦中走来 The aura of God shone on his head. 头上闪现着神灵的光环 Long and gorgeous wedding dress 长而华丽的嫁衣 Rise and dance in a happy mood 翩翩起舞 It is the angel that gives me love and hope. 是天使给予我爱与希望 The angel's wedding dress is so beautiful. 天使的嫁衣是那么的美丽 Romantic heartfelt affection 浪漫了人间心跳的亲情 She seemed to whisper to me. 她好像对我轻语诉说 Love is a journey of the soul. 爱,是一次心灵之旅 In this endless journey 在这漫漫无期的旅途中 We should open the windows of our souls. 我们应该打开心灵的窗户 To listen to the gentle rules of life. 去倾听人生的轻歌妙律 To feel the surging waves of the sea 去感受大海的澎湃波涛 To appreciate the clarity of autumn wind and clear clouds. 去体味秋天风清云淡的澄澈 The angel's wedding dress is so sunny. 天使的嫁衣是那么的阳光 And lit up the world of darkness. 照亮了漆黑纷繁的世界 She yearned for brightness as we did. 她与我们一样向往光明 Pursues the pure love in heart. 追求着心中纯洁的爱情 We should let our hearts fly. 我们应该放飞心灵 To find snow in winter 去寻找冬天雪花纷飞的悄然 Let warmth fill every corner of the heart. 让温馨充满心里的每一个角落 With the most sincere heart to wait for her in the distance. 用最真诚的心去等待远方的她 Because love is eternal. 因为爱,是永恒的……