作曲 : BYU Vocal Point 作词 : 终点音乐乐队 终点音乐工作室 呈现 歌词贡献:老毛子(应该是) 翻译,校对及编排改错:元首 When peace like a river attendeth my way 镜心如水,若过我心 When sorrows like sea billows roll 悲感离愁,若涛巨浪 Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say 无论汝教所何言 It is well 俱为安淡 It is well with my soul 却愿灵魂平息 But Lord it's for Thee 但此举为我主上 For Thy coming we wait 为终而待 The sky not the grave is our goal 天非坟墓,为吾终愿 Oh trump of the angel! 矣哉,天之利器 Oh voice of the Lord! 呜呼!圣上之音 Blessed hope,blessed rest of my soul! 岚愿寄于灵魂 It is well with my soul 愿灵平息 It is well 具为安淡 It is well with my soul 愿灵归属 It is well 万事为安 It is well with my soul 灵兮,终安息 And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight 闻主繁忙,抱以叹息 And the clouds be rolled back as a scroll 奈何乌云滚滚俱来 The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend 法器回响,主降世间 Even so, it is well with my soul 如此,愿主安息 It is well with my soul 魂归 It is well with my soul 灵息 It is well with my soul 安得宁静 终点音乐工作室