We are the plague That rots this earth How do we overcome The very problem that we are Will ice cover the earth Will fire reign down from the sky We are more fragile, than we want to believe Will I die in battle Will Valkyrie hear my cry None of us really wants to Wants to die Each day that passes We see more destruction Is it possible that More people will die At the hands of nature, than all the wars we wage ourselves All the wars we wage ourselves Will ice cover the earth Will fire reign down from the sky We are more fragile, than we want to believe Will I die in battle Will Valkyrie hear my cry None of us really wants to Wants to die Strength in our resolve Faith in courage Is all we can Use to carry on, carry on We hold on We hope to find a way Out of this mess Mess that we created We hold on We hope to find a way Out of this mess Mess that we created