Master of great mysteries beneath, Downwards I sink into absolute Avichi Temple of blackened density It takes me in, Absorbs me in sin, Death cannot free me from what burns within This vicious energy, Blesses in complete enmity Here my will to power is unbound and hideously displayed Let matter move unto me, Fashioned according to my seven flames Esoteric is the air I breathe, Unknown to the pleasantly meek The darkness emanating from my being, Lies in the sinister comedy As I am allowed to flourish, And give rise to supreme animosity Ravishing is the absolute which allows a fractal such as I to loom below Evil is reaped from evil sown Malice serves as the bride unto Satan Creation pustulates by the presence of my cruel intentions By my lust in blooms in debauchery, Whores of the earth lie raptured in my sacral vortices The daughters of men writhe in sexual frenzy, As heaven withers through sheer abandonment I marvel at this exponential separation, At the Kaivalya of my own becoming, Darkness immortalizes my satanic essence, As evil now pervades all worlds unto the next Enter my flesh Legion at will! My spirit I offer unto the triumph of hell!