A different world comes into existence As the blanket of night silently falls It makes way for a new form of presence The merging of realities enthralls A dreamlike sequence experienced Lost in the enigma of being This is where all thought is altered A new aspect of seeing With the focus positioned correctly (A magnificent change does occur) Life seems to invade ever so gently Every corner of universe stirred It is writing through hands unsuspecting Possessing the very soul of this mind Carpe noctem, seize the night In the silence all is heard In the darkness all is seen In the dreaming all is felt The spirit of the unseen is coming A dynamo waiting obscured With night`s arrival it`s soaring Embracing the change just occurred Carpe Noctem With the focus positioned correctly (A magnificent change does occur) Life seems to invade ever so gently Every corner of universe stirred It is leaving with the arrival of dawn With an untold promise to return again Carpe noctem, seize the night In the silence all is heard In the darkness all is seen In the dreaming all is felt In the dreaming all is felt