Let Thy sword fall upon the necks of the feeble and the foolish Raise thy fist in glory, smash the crosses to thousand little pieces Give your commands unto the firestorms, may the flames caress the sky Lead the whirlwinds towards the masses and as harvested they shall fall Agony and fear arise in black shapes, both are here to torment the weak Listen how they cry for their "god" that never existed the way they thought He is not a saviour nor is he a king, never was and never shall be Only a coward without any reason to be a ruler This world shall be given to those who roam the paths of the dark Unseen This world shall be reborn to greet its true owners This world shall be laid in the shade of lightless day, dawnless morning Just give us Thy sword, it'll be our scythe Just give us Thy sign, and we will be the Damnation All the honour is Yours I feel Thy unclean powers run through me A river of blood, all shed with our hands Faithfully we follow Thy commands