He rides through the sky to the northern border-line awaiting his enemies giants of Niflheim His weapon is pounding by his lust for the giants' blood armour for a god and armour to kill Bridge: Smashing and crushing a weapon full of power the time will come the giants last hour Refrain: F IGHTING GI ANTS KILL THEM ALL D EFENDER OF THE GOLDEN HALL FIGHT ING GIANTS KILL THEM ALL DEFEND ER OF THE GOLDEN HAL L FIGHTING GIANTS THE HAMMER OF THOR DEFEN DERS OF TH E GOLDEN H ALL FIGHTI NG GIANTS THE HAMMER OF THOR DE FENDERS OF THE GOLDEN HALL He was the strongest God in the golden hall his father was Odin the power-god In the last battle he killed and fought together with his father Odin the Midgard snake