[00:00.500] 作词:K.Cass,Nova. [00:01.000] 作曲:Nova. [00:01.000]编曲:Nova. [00:01.322]Wass up fakers and haters [00:03.051]嗨咯效果duangduang干声稀烂和只会打字的渣渣们 [00:03.051]This is Kss [00:04.292]我是强者你朋友Kss [00:04.292]Real music Nova [00:06.146]我是你大爷Nono [00:06.146]We purge every single one without the real ability we bully it we killing it [00:11.557]我们组队肃清所有没实力的人,霸凌他们让他们哭哭 [00:11.557]And its bout to clean some sht huh [00:12.820]大扫除时间到 [00:12.820]Nova: [00:13.301] [00:13.301]Never really show my jealousy [00:14.902]从未嫉妒过别人哥们儿我最吊 [00:14.902]Never ask for my apology [00:16.565]老子的辞典里没有原谅二字 [00:16.565]Never ever forget my destiny [00:18.242]一直不忘初心 [00:18.242]Plz don’t ever tryna bother me [00:19.451]别给老子挡路 [00:19.451]What is hip-hop now lookin’ around [00:21.397]扭曲嘻哈的定义 [00:21.397]Did a couple of lines with a fancy name they call’ em rappers [00:23.977]写几句verse取个漂亮艺名就能叫说唱歌手 [00:23.977]Draw a couple lines then spray some color on the wall then they call’em masters [00:26.469]在墙上鬼画符两下也敢叫自己艺术家 [00:26.469]Nah nah y’all too far away from it [00:28.029]你和我们实力悬殊 [00:28.029]Y’all never reach my level [00:29.389]差的不止一点点 [00:29.389]What’s being real? [00:30.222]学点真本事 [00:30.222]Better Learn from NF [00:31.351]去听听NF(美国rapper) [00:31.351]When u start rapping [00:32.143]不然你一开口 [00:32.143]I can’t stop laughing [00:33.015]我就笑尿了 [00:33.015]Powerless like a mlly crying [00:34.624]软弱无力 [00:34.624](Stop crying) [00:34.862]住嘴吧你 [00:34.862]You ain’t ever have the chance trying [00:35.880]你早在起跑线就已一败涂地 [00:35.880]Cuz I’m the king [00:36.682]因为我早已封王 [00:36.682]Got best of me [00:37.348]迈向巅峰 [00:37.348]Always lit [00:37.976]抟扶摇而上 [00:37.976]I break the laws start fire (Eh) [00:39.828]我用霰弹枪惩奸除恶 [00:39.828]One shot [00:40.414]最后一发给瞄准 [00:40.414](We deserve it) [00:41.286] [00:41.286](No) No matter how hard is [00:42.520]不论千难万阻 [00:42.520](Still) Still fkn gonna ride it [00:44.541]上去就是干 [00:44.541]Best **** we own it [00:46.246]再拿回战利品 [00:46.246]“You ain’t took xan y’ are not triple x” [00:47.776]“你连Emo Trap都做不好” [00:47.776]“But it’s like you know how to do emo trap” [00:49.801]“也敢说自己是嘻哈界的极限特工?” [00:49.801]All I wanna say it’s a bunch of trsh [00:51.149]做出来的是什么东西 [00:51.149]All I wanna say it’s a bunch of trsh [00:52.441]自己心里清楚 [00:52.441]Kss: [00:52.844] [00:52.844]Every night cant fall asleep [00:53.920]老子天天修仙 [00:53.920]Skr! [00:54.495] [00:54.495]Crazy mind no way to read [00:56.019]一身仙气你学不来 [00:56.019]Chiggas been digging in deepen it making it harder for haters to reach [00:59.299]我们钻研到地心深处让喷子们走投无路 [00:59.299]Your seat is like a set of cracked grenade [01:00.910]你被我垫了裂了缝的手雷 [01:00.910]Better shut the door in case [01:02.248]建议你最好把门关好 [01:02.248]All ya little fellows gonna line up to renegade [01:04.217]不然待会儿等我buff全开攻城拔寨时 [01:04.217]At the moment I invade [01:05.776]你的那些小弟全要落井下石 [01:05.776]Yal fake [01:06.720]假货 [01:06.720]Listen to trash that you make [01:07.953]唱的什么鬼东西 [01:07.953]Dissing is just piece of cake [01:08.848]giao哥都能把你帝斯 [01:08.848]Look at the funny scene [01:09.981]看你那熊样 [01:09.981]On your so-called stage [01:10.838]站在台上 [01:10.838]Man ur proud of that? ok [01:12.407]还自我膨胀? [01:12.407]Let Master Yoda show u how to do this [01:14.100]让尤达大师教你做人吧 [01:14.100]Stop being ridiculous newbie [01:15.426]ballball你别丢人现眼了 [01:15.426]I got hundreds of thousands of [01:16.535]我有一万种 [01:16.535]Methods to blow up the base [01:17.763]方法把你的老窝端了 [01:17.763]And then tear up your face [01:19.800]再吊打你 [01:19.800]You gotta be mad [01:21.983]嗨呀好气哟 [01:21.983]Ye I mean [01:23.180]对说的就是你们 [01:23.180]You fakers and haters [01:26.117]键盘侠们 [01:26.117]Cant you just [01:27.214]诶你们就不能 [01:27.214]Shut up and sit on your az? [01:29.291]哪边凉快哪边呆着吗? [01:29.291]Nah haters aint never gonna ever be honestly glad woo [01:33.533]开玩笑哥们儿他们尿性难改 [01:33.533]Yeah haha [01:36.626] [01:36.626]What you say haters? [01:39.348]穿山甲到底说了啥 [01:39.348]You said Skr~Skr~ [01:42.116]Hahahahuh~ [01:44.270]笑skr人 [01:44.270]I'm about to knock your az out [01:45.431]你根本来不及举手投翔 [01:45.431]You aint gonna make it to the top [01:46.502]你们一辈子别想登峰造极 [01:46.502]By rapping only for the fame [01:47.366]追名逐利的货色 [01:47.366]So you keep criticizing everybody [01:48.309]所以能力不足就只能bb呗 [01:48.309]What you gotta do is sit the mafker down and [01:50.056]给我坐下你这可恶的“陈独秀” [01:50.056]Never say that people that are stronger than you [01:51.337]你秀不起来就别哔哔 [01:51.337]Couldnt keep up with the rhythm [01:52.179]比你强的人不够优秀 [01:52.179]Aint a rapper [01:52.460]我不是饶舌歌手 [01:52.460]Skr [01:52.938] [01:52.938]I'm a killer ripping everybody trynna press dat button [01:54.484]老子是个无情的杀手干掉所有打字的键盘侠 [01:54.484]Like a baker with a mouldy cake [01:55.315]你们就像端着烂葡萄一样发霉的蛋糕 [01:55.315]Her body shape is like a bunch of grape [01:56.503]还引以为傲的烘培师 [01:56.503]You fake you bout to say that Eminem and Drake ain't great [01:58.397]好优秀哟是不是还要接着点评eminem和drake呀 [01:58.397]Choosing not to be a rapper adopt the "choice" [02:00.131]你可以“选择”不做说唱歌手呀(你没得“选”你被踢出名单) [02:00.131]We never spare junkers a drop of soy [02:01.760]我们从来不分拉积一羹 [02:01.760]A lotta toys for ya fuzzy boys [02:03.441]神智不清的人适合玩4399 [02:03.441]Your face is like a poo in a stool of toilet [02:05.054]你的脸丑陋至极 [02:05.054]I puke on your boots and I kill all the noobs [02:06.726]恶心得我吐在你的aj上 [02:06.726]Ye, thats what the real G can do [02:08.601]不怂就是怼 [02:08.601]You better find a way to save ya az [02:10.380]你最好赶紧找个缝钻进去 [02:10.380]Cuz you are dealing with the mafker Kss [02:15.405]Kss起床了 [02:15.405]prod. By Nova., iNFERNO.13 [02:18.800]