作词:MOTOR D 作曲:Richhzzz 混音:MOTOR D 采样自Darling in the Franxx:我一点也不了解变成人类是什么意思,又哭又笑,还会生气,我觉得我一直想要的人类的样子,肯定就是这样的。 HOOK: I will dress ma way I will dress ma way I will dress ma way I will dress ma way I will dress ma way U can't cos ma way I will dress ma way U will lose your way I will dress ma way U can't cos ma way I will dress ma way What the fxxking say I will dress ma way U can't cos ma way I will dress ma way I m killing sucker I will dress ma way I will choose the way I will dress ma way U will lose your way Verse: I will dress ma way U will lose your way 堵住他们的嘴 百分百击溃 我的火眼金睛会防真伪 勇敢做我自己最珍贵 不像你们烂大街面具傀 滥竽充数的人不完美 Ok ok i will dress ma way Ma name how to say Super man M-O-T-O-R Fxxk dat bxxches hate 别挑战我底线我不想浪费time (i m winner) 在弹指一瞬间我功夫够精湛 (bad player) HOOK: I will dress ma way U can't cos ma way I will dress ma way U will lose your way I will dress ma way U can't cos ma way I will dress ma way What the fxxking say I will dress ma way I will choose the way I will dress ma way U will lose your way