作曲 : 黄奕儒 作词 : 黄奕儒 你走过我的身边 牵着别人的手里曾有我的心愿 想起你笑的方式 想起你拖着头看着我的样子 直到一切变的不再 需要隐瞒与自私 你是否已厌倦了我的无知 我走过你的关于 我走过你的过去 心却无法抗拒 每次在夜深人静 那些一起的曾经拉扯我的情绪 才知道你的笑容美丽的让人好痛心 就让我的过去陪你走下去 So please would you stay with me So please make me do the right thing Cause I can't help thinking All those words that you had told to me It's all heartbreaked and so hard to believe 当一切回到开心笑着的我们 有多么珍惜彼此手中的天真 即使不能和你永远快乐走完这旅程 能曾经拥有那样就值得 So please would you stay with me So please make me do the right thing Cause I can't help thinking All those words that you had told to me It's all heartbreaked and so hard to believe 就算有时会想着以前的你 就算每次走在一样的场景 就算哭到用尽了所有力气 怎么可能会就这样忘记 So please would you stay with me So please make me do the right thing Cause I can't help thinking All those words that you had told to me It's all heartbreaked and so hard to believe It's all heartbreaked and so hard to believe It's all heartbreaked and so hard to believe