作曲 : 李铁/杨沐 作词 : 杨沐 I know that it's very difficult for me 我知道这对我来说有些困难 but the journey has come to the end 但我们的旅程已经进入尾声 the scenery outside the window gradually loses me 窗外的风景匆匆远去 the train is flying us from South to North 飞驰的列车由南向北 I know that I am going to finish a month's trip 我意识到我们将要结束一个月的旅程 the surprises and unknows make it so interesting 一路的惊喜和未知让它充满许多乐趣 I am going home to the place I belong 我将要回到我熟悉的地方 laughters and warm faces make me begin to miss 却开始想念那些欢声笑语 the show is over,the light goes out 演出结束,灯光熄灭 I'll be on the road again,but not today 我会再次上路,但不是今天 the tour is over,the train has already arrived 巡演结束,列车已经到站 I'll be back on the street,have a drink 我会回到街头,举杯畅饮 I'll have beautiful story,like yesterday 我会获得更多美好的故事,就像是昨天