作曲 : Brian D'Addario/Michael D'Addario Shane, I’m waiting for you inside this bathroom stall Anticipating your footsteps coming down the hall As I stay still Something makes me ill My eyes grow wide until they fill with tears Visions haunt me, just as they did when I was young My poor father was given Robert as a son Robert being me Shamed the family Slow as slow could be while his father had a PhD Please have mercy, I’m doing everything I can Robert Senior politely asked his son to stand “Do you wanna know why your mother died? When you were born she couldn’t bear to raise a boy like you She just couldn't hack it, her body attacked itself By the time the birth was through she was gone. Gone! Shane I waited to smash your head against the wall My self-hatred makes me feel like no one at all I’ll close my eyes Listen to your cries And try to feel my size, but my father’s voice will not subside