作曲 : ØZI/海大富LilFu 作词 : ØZI Just tell me the truth 别再抵抗这吸引力 从你表情可以看出你已 中了我的毒 You be sippin on that Henny 身体慢慢往我靠近 你的眼神陶醉 卸了你的防备 脑里幻想我扯着 你的马尾 头压在床头柜 我说的对不对 Let me把 所有的幻想 都一一的实现 Is that okay I got all these bad intentions girl I wanna love you hard 想在这沙发上好好闻你 贺尔蒙的味道 你说浴室镜里背对着我 是你的嗜好 alright that's ok I got all these bad intentions 脱下你Victoria Secret 碰到你身体就像静电 沈醉在你的双唇之间 Now 让我帮你 铐上手铐 戴上眼罩 整个床单湿掉 Throw you around 有点粗暴 From coffee table onto the ground I got all these bad intentions 一边慢慢身体下弯 一边把她右脚抬起来 好像是在呼应我的动作 We working hard on that sofa bed 她的脚尖勾着地板 额头好像快要碰到膝盖 看似不可能的动作 她竟然做起来很自然 Downward-facing dog Downward-facing dog with them yoga pants off I think I'm doing it right I could feel them flex hard she be looking real psyched for my 吸气 头离地 筋很硬 我憋住一口气 用力 Repeat repeat 全部 搞定 不管 什么 姿势 她都可以 She nasty We don't need to rush we can take this slow Let me take you high while I go down low We don't need to rush we can take this slow Let me take you high I got all these bad intentions 脱下你Victoria Secret 碰到你身体就像静电 沈醉在你的双唇之间 Now 让我帮你 铐上手铐 戴上眼罩 整个床单湿掉 Throw you around 有点粗暴 From coffee table onto the ground I got all these bad intentions