作曲 : DIMLIM 作词 : 聖 Ask the lying piece of meat Who are you ******* fellows? There is no heart like confession Killing people for justice Here is a place where abnormality is the only place Places where Human of Disguise fleece peels The world moves with killing and being killed 死んだ憎悪は何処へ? To be repeated forever 暗い雨がニンゲンの醜悪さを映し出す 腐乱したカタチから 小さな手が覗かせる Here is a place where abnormality is the only place Places where Human of Disguise fleece peels 賽は投げられた哀しみと 怒りに満ちた血によって Hate and slaughter My parents were killed by the state The world moves with killing and being killed 死んだ憎悪は何処へ? To be repeated forever 暗い雨がニンゲンの醜悪さを映し出す 腐乱したココロには か弱い泣き声が 冷徹に身をかれ 業火の地へと消えてゆく 水面には水面には 爛れた命だけ 連れ去螺れてゆく 泥梨の地へと今 Here is a place where abnormality is the only place Places where Human of Disguise fleece peels