O Death - Sam Amidon What is this that I can't see With icy hands taking hold on me I am Death, no-one can tell I'll open the doors to Heaven or Hell O Death O Death Please spare me over just another year I'll fix your feet so you can't walk I'll lock your jaw so you cannot talk close your eyes so you can't see This very hour come and go with me O Death, someone would say Couldn't you call some other day? God's children prayed the preacher preached Time and mercy are out of your reach O Death O Death Please spare me over just another year My mother come to my bed Placed a cold towel upon my head My head is warm my feet are cold Death is moving upon my soul O Death O Death Please spare me over just another year O Death please consider my age Please don't take me at this stage My wealth is all at your command If you will move your icy hand O Death O Death Please spare me over just another year O Death O Death Please spare me over just another year