if i had my way i had my way. i wouldn't change a thing,wouldn't change a thing cause you're my obsession, you keep me in the dark to see your spark. you're keeping me guessing messin' with my heart. got it down to an art. your eyes surprise me every time, your kiss it twists me,blurring the lines. and it's the very first night all over the very first smile and then. i'm falling for you again. you wreck my world,you wreck my world. you always that girl,always that girl. who walked in the room and i couldn't look away you captivate. so drawn to you,and i still feel that way some things never change. your eyes surprise me every time, your kiss it twists me,blurring the lines. and it's the very first night all over the very first smile and then. i'm falling for you again. again,and again... your eyes surprise me every time, your kiss it twists me,blurring the lines. and it's the very first night all over the very first smile and then. i'm falling for you again. and again... i'm falling for you